Over 50? So many possibilities!

My grandmother got her driver’s license at age 60 when she started her first job outside the home. My Dad’s cousin lived to be 100 and was still traveling at 97 until COVID hit. Both these women were vibrant in their later years partly because they never believed they couldn’t do something because they were ‘too old.’

Wrinkles & Grins started as a capstone (thesis) project when I earned a master’s degree in communications in my early 60s. Going back to school had been on my bucket list for years, so once the kids were educated and leaving the nest, I found myself saying, ‘Why not?’ I put full-time employment on hold, snagged a fellowship at the school for free tuition, and walked across that stage 18 months later (in the pouring rain) with the Class of 2023.

While in school, I looked at lifestyle blog sites targeting the 50-plus community and was disappointed by the options. Few hit the mark, and many just reminded me (often) of the year I was born by pushing financial advice, life insurance, and assisted living choices. I didn’t feel like an old lady so why would I read something directed at one?

I began researching what my comrades in this age group were most interested in and how they planned to shape their later years. Like me, your #1 interest is travel. You also identified once-in-a-lifetime adventures, spending time with family and friends, exploring new interests, and meeting new people with similar interests high on your list.

You also want to be inspired, laugh, stay active, and focus on the positive. Me too.

May those who know us be inspired by how active and vibrant we live our lives in our later years.

Edie Lawlor Kramer
Married to the same great guy for 40 years. Proud mom of 2 who inspire me every day. Surprised dog owner. Gardener. Novice interior decorator. Lifelong learner. Traveler anywhere at any time.