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Have You Noticed Dogs And Their Owners Often Have Similar Personality Traits?

Do you remember the original 101 Dalmations movie where Pongo looks out the window for an appropriate mate for Roger, his bachelor owner, and, by default, himself? Owners and their dogs walk across the screen, each pair looking more alike than the last. That part of the movie must have had an impact on me as a kid because I often find myself comparing owners and their dogs for physical similarities (and, trust me, you can always find at least a few characteristics that match).

What occurred to me recently, though, was not the physical similarities but rather how similar each dog's and its owner's personalities can be.

There are two Comfort Retrievers in our extended family. This breed is a mix of Golden Retriever with a pinch of Poodle in their family tree. The dogs look like Golden Retrievers, not Golden Doodles, although one dog has thick, sprouty hair over and around his ears, unlike a traditional Golden’s velvety ears. Comfort Retrievers are bred for comfort, including a smaller size (50 pounds or less) than the traditional Golden. The brochure touts the breed as hypoallergenic and low-shed; however, both dogs I’m mentioning here missed the mark big-time for low-shed, and my daughter, who is allergic, has no problem with one of the dogs, but she can’t touch the other. It should be noted that both owners refuse to send their pet to a groomer, preferring the ‘all natural’ look—an approach they take with their own grooming habits. The owners schedule haircuts regularly but you won’t see them spending lots of time primping and preening.

One dog is somewhat stubborn, particularly when out for a walk. He sometimes stops in the middle of the sidewalk and sits or lays down as if to say, ‘I’m done, and you’re not going to make me go any further.” He sheds A LOT. You know exactly where he’s been based on the trail of fur he’s left behind. And he gets everyone laughing when he’s vocal. It’s as if he’s stating his point or concern to the group, and when we answer him with the same sounds, he continues the conversation. It’s hysterical. Sometimes, he wants the seat you have. Sometimes, he doesn’t want to put his paw too far under the sofa to get a ball. Sometimes, we have no idea what he wants! Interestingly, his owner can be stubborn (although I’ve never seen him stop on the sidewalk to sit or lie down). His owner drops his clothes and miscellaneous items wherever he may be, so he leaves a trail like his dog. He voices his opinions and needs, often humorously and always passionately. If you can handle his mess, he’s endearing. And, like his dog, when he’s content, he’s the guy you always want to spend time with. Coincidence? I think not.

The other dog in the extended family whines A LOT—it’s just a part of his communication toolbox. We were told he would need extra attention when he was a puppy with the breeder. He’s super smart, more playful than his cousin, enjoys a long walk in the nearby woods, and loves learning new tricks. He doesn’t shed nearly as much as his cousin, but you still know where he’s been based on what he’s left behind. Where am I going with this? Well, his owner tends to want undivided attention and may whine a bit when he feels he’s not getting it. He’s also super smart and playful by nature. You always know where he’s been, although he isn’t typically as messy as the other dog owner I’ve mentioned. And his love for learning and being out with nature runs deep. Like his dog, when he’s not whining, he’s the guy you want to be with. Coincidence? I think not.

Our next-door neighbor’s dog has the nicest disposition and is consistently happy. Funnily enough, each family member has a nice disposition, and their home is consistently positive and happy.

There’s another neighbor whose dog is so well-trained that he walks in sync with his owner, sits when told, and never barks at other dogs. I’ve never seen any dog like this. I bet he poops on command. The owner strikes me as a bit rigid, but maybe I’m just looking for the dog and owner similarities.

Begs the question about owners of dogs that do their business where they shouldn’t. Like my perennial garden. Hmmm.

Do you know a dog and its owner that have similar personality traits? Please share without naming names!